Republicans are seeing climate change is real. Ignoring that’s a risky business.

Conservatives across the U.S. believe that climate change is real reports Scientific American. As weird weather, rising disaster claims, disturbed livelihoods, scientific evidence, and clear messages fill the air, people’s minds are changing. Forty-seven percent of conservatives now say the climate is changing, a leap of 19 points since the midterm elections of 2014, according … More Republicans are seeing climate change is real. Ignoring that’s a risky business.

What now?

The responsibility is yours and mine. It always has been. Bernie Sanders is the figure at the head and it looks as though he can’t take the highest office in the land. What now? We marshal ourselves, march with conviction, love, and truth, and move this ship. Look at how much we moved Obama on … More What now?


I’ve been thinking about how some Bernie Sanders supporters are acting right now. A few years ago I rode the Transylvania Epic for the first time. It’s a seven-day stage race through the forests of Central Pennsylvania. I had trained so hard and hoped to finish on the podium of the single speed racers. Months … More Losing

What I would have said at the State College rally for Bernie Sanders…plus Sophia McClennen [Update: April 20th]

On the morning of April 19th my phone got a text that said, “Hi peter, would you potentially be available to speak briefly at Sanders rally today?” When I read it, I swore and ran around and of course said, “YES!!!!”  A little later I talked to someone from the campaign who said, “It’s a … More What I would have said at the State College rally for Bernie Sanders…plus Sophia McClennen [Update: April 20th]

The carbon-combustion complex will crash

In their book, The Collapse of Western Civilization, Naomi Oreskes and Eric Conway write about the carbon-combustion complex. They wisely adapt Eisenhower’s term, the military-industrial complex, to imply the force and power of fossil fuels on our entire way of life. They write, Historians have labeled this system the carbon-combustion complex: a network of powerful … More The carbon-combustion complex will crash