Reconciliation can happen. But don’t be duped into thinking you can reconcile with bullies & dictators.

There are times to believe in people’s teachability and neuroplasticity. That’s most of the time. There are times to wonder about how to effectively educate people and really lead them to see things in new lights. That’s also most of the time. Then there are times when you have to realize that some people are … More Reconciliation can happen. But don’t be duped into thinking you can reconcile with bullies & dictators.

We are better than walls and bans. #NoWallNoBan in the Centre Region

Tonight at COG general forum I asked that we move to adopt a resolution recognizing immigrants’ and refugees’ rights. It will go back to our townships before coming back to the COG. Other members of the COG forum, from the State College Borough in particular, have taken the first steps to getting a resolution before us. I … More We are better than walls and bans. #NoWallNoBan in the Centre Region

We will not give our wrists up easily to unjust laws. This is our lunch counter moment.

I was proud to join the 100s who rallied at Penn State’s gates for love and compassion on Sunday. We oppose Donald Trump’s ban on people from Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, and Libya. We oppose a decision that consigns thousands of people to the hands of ISIS/ISIL. We oppose it because it throws … More We will not give our wrists up easily to unjust laws. This is our lunch counter moment.

Black Sabbath, Metallica and the Doomsday Clock @TEDxPSU

In two weeks I’ll be delivering my TEDxPSU talk: Want to know the future? Ask a metalhead. It’s on how heavy metal is really good at telling us about social problems. Maybe we should listen o this hard-to-hear music. Sometimes, it’s a really great risk indicator. For forty-five-plus years metal artists have been providing their … More Black Sabbath, Metallica and the Doomsday Clock @TEDxPSU

Scientists, we need you to run for office. File that paperwork.

Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” That includes you scientists. Scientists need to run for office. Period. Whatever party you have joined, if one at all, Americans need your habits of mind, your practices, and the attitudes you have … More Scientists, we need you to run for office. File that paperwork.

Rick Perry is 50 years ahead of the Republican platform and 20 years behind where we need to be.

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry spoke before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee yesterday. He is seeking confirmation as Donald Trump’s Secretary of Energy. In his opening statement, he said “I am committed to modernizing our nuclear stockpile, promoting and developing American energy in all forms, advancing the department’s critical science and technology mission, and carefully disposing … More Rick Perry is 50 years ahead of the Republican platform and 20 years behind where we need to be.

And when it becomes a great and powerful love, it becomes a demanding love which demands justice. MLK, 1.21.1965

“Agape is more than aesthetic or romantic love; agape is more than friendship. Agape is understanding, creative, redemptive good will for all men. It is an overflowing love which seeks nothing in return. Theologians would say it is the love of God operating in the human heart. And when one rises to love on this … More And when it becomes a great and powerful love, it becomes a demanding love which demands justice. MLK, 1.21.1965

The only thing necessary for the triumph of climate denial is for good men & women to do nothing.

This coming Friday, Donald Trump will become the American president. If you understand the ramifications of that for the global climate, we are facing a terrifying prospect. He’s called climate change a hoax invented by the Chinese, that it’s bullshit and asked “Where the hell is global warming?” at a rally on a cold day. The string of do-nothing and know-nothing could … More The only thing necessary for the triumph of climate denial is for good men & women to do nothing.